I work primarily in the Lingan style of Chinese Brush Painting which is characterised by free and spontaneous strokes with black Chinese ink and watercolour on traditional rice paper.
This style is all about the beauty and balance of nature.

sometimes includes poems relating to the subject. The painting is usually finished with a red seal.

A painting can sometimes be finished in an hour or two but can take much longer if done in a more detailed style and depending on the number of washes on the fragile rice paper..

I currently live in Kettering but am originally from Newcastle, NSW, and finally moved to Tassie in 2009 after many, many visits over ten years.
I have only been involved in Chinese Brush Painting for the past 4 years but have always had an abiding fascination for this style of painting.
Di Evans may be contacted on 0402262728, or tenere@northnet.com.au