
To join the Huon Art Exhibitions Group or renew your membership, use this online membership form.

HAEG membership benefits

Display and sell your works of art, and artist cards in the Cygnet Gallery.

  • Up to three of your artworks may be on display at the Cygnet Gallery
  • Up to 20 of your artist cards may be on display at the Cygnet Gallery and an additional 20 kept in the storeroom for refills.
  • You receive a 50% discount on the entry fee for the “Huon Art Awards” art exhibition run every year by the HAEG.
  • You may display the artworks you have for sale in the Cygnet Gallery on the HAEG Facebook page.
  • You may present a short profile of yourself and your artworks, along with a link to your own website the HAEG website’s “Members” area.
  • You may host your own art exhibition in the Lovett Gallery or the Cygnet Gallery (HAEG curating committee approval required and fees apply – depending on display space requirements. The “long wall” in the Lovett Gallery is 7.5m and the “short wall” is 4.5m). Please contact for further information.

Commission deducted from the sale of members artworks and cards contributes to the running of the Cygnet Gallery and art exhibitions hosted by the HAEG.

If you contribute your time by sitting at the Cygnet Gallery and HAEG art exhibitions, the rate of commission deducted from your sales is 20% of the sale price.

If you do not contribute your time for gallery and exhibition sittings, the rate of commission on your sales is 30% of the sale price.

Artists exhibiting in the Cygnet Gallery may check their stock levels by sending an email to with your name, and a HAEG committee member will query the gallery stock spreadsheet and email you the result.

Instructions for HAEG members to submit an artwork to the Cygnet Gallery.

  1. Make sure hang-able artwork is ready to hang – with the usual robust cord or wire hanger firmly attached to the picture frame.
  2. Ensure your name, title, medium of artwork, price and contact phone number are written or firmly attached to the back of the artwork, or underneath the base if it is 3D, or on a tie-on/pin-on tag for small or fabric items.
  3. Take your artwork to the Cygnet Gallery during normal opening hours: 10-4 Wednesday – Sunday.
  4. The sitter in the gallery will take you through the process:
    • You fill out a form listing your contact details and the title, medium and price of each of the artworks you are bringing in.
    • The sitter (or you) will write a title card for each artwork with the following info on it – Title, Medium, Artist (your name), Price, and the date you brought in the artwork. Don’t do this for cards – the sticker in the next step is sufficient. Small articles of jewellery may be treated similar to cards – ask the gallery sitter for advice, and they will talk to a committee member of necessary.
    • The title card will be attached to the artwork with blu-tack and your artwork will then be placed in the storeroom or behind the gallery counter so one of the curating team can hang it where appropriate when space becomes available in the gallery.
    • Once your artworks have been entered into the gallery POS system a barcode sticker will be attached to the title card (or directly to a card).

When an artwork is sold the sale amount (minus commission) will be deposited using the bank account details you have provided – either using the membership form or the paper form in the gallery.

To join the Huon Art Exhibitions Group or renew your membership, use this online membership form.

HAEG’s Constitution (Rules of Association) may be found at this link.