HAEG Spring Portrait Exhibition
Opening Night Friday 12 October 6-7pm at Lovett Gallery Cygnet
First prize $1,000 and highly commended prize $500
The HAEG Spring Portrait Exhibition opening night is Friday, 12 October at the Lovett Gallery Cygnet at 6pm. The exhibition will run for two weekends: Saturday & Sunday 13-14 October and Friday, Saturday and Sunday 19-20-21 October.
We look forward to showcasing portraits by HAEG members and non-members of any age (there is no special “student” category). All works should be of real people and not previously exhibited. Mixed media, including yarn & textile works, sculptural interpretations in clay or found materials, “green works” in plants; photography and all painted and drawn expressions are welcome.
With shorter days and cooler winter months ahead the our committee is encouraging the many talented local artists to create a unique and interesting portrait – could be a friend, relation, neighbour, local identity or public figure, or perhaps a self-portrait.
Entry fee will be $10 for all entries. Works may be sold, but this is optional.
You may enter online at this link, or the paper entry form is available at the Gallery or by download here. There is a limit of 2 entries each artist. Artwork to be delivered to the Lovett Gallery between 10.00am – 4.00pm on the weekend prior to the opening.
Artwork pickup is between 3-4pm on Sunday 21 October, or the following weekend.